
I’m a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. I am a multidisciplinary human scientist, with an interest in how cultures and technologies evolve, and how people — past and present, across cultural boundaries — have solved everyday problems and constructed knowledge systems. Recently, I have developed an interest in ethnomathematics, and I am currently investigating the evolution of a suite of string technologies (ethnotopology).

My work crosses the borders of cognitive science, (cognitive) anthropology, cultural evolution, complexity science, and sustainability science. Regarding the latter, I (try to) apply my research to help preserve a more ecologically and culturally diverse world. I am a part of the Past Present Sustainability Research Unit (PAES).

As a researcher, I am interested in the broad methodological palette, ranging from computational methods to ethnographic research. As a human, my interest is piqued by sea kayaking, the outdoors, photography, knots and string games, woodwork, and music. I am also a mushroom forager and a student of ethnomycology. Wherever possible, I try to combine these interests: I have a firm belief that the best theory emerges from practical knowledge.

If you would like to get in touch, feel free to drop me a line. I’m always open for discussing new ideas and collaborations.

© Roope Kaaronen, 2024